

E-mail : liujianxiu@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn


2019 - 2020 美國聖路易斯華盛頓大學(WashU)聯合培養博士

2018 - 2019 美國伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校(UIUC)聯合培養博士

2017 - 2021 必一体育平台 社科學院 運動人體科學 必一体育學博士

2013 - 2016 寧波大學 必一体育學院 運動人體科學 必一体育學碩士

2008 - 2012 揚州大學 必一体育學院 教育學學士


2024至今 必一体育平台 必一体育 助理教授 碩士生導師

2021 - 2024 必一体育平台 萬科公共衛生與健康學院 博士後


中國生理學會運動生理學專業委員會 秘書


1. Sports Medicine

2. Scientific Reports

3. Environment research

4. Complementary Therapies in Medicine

5. American Journal of Health Behavior

6. Children and Youth Services Review

7. Frontier in Psychology

8. Frontier in Public Health等


1. 運用流行病學方法,探討不同類型和強度的運動(及環境因素)對腦健康(情緒🉑、認知和睡眠等)的量效關系;

2. 運用代謝🧙🏽‍♀️、蛋白和轉錄組及腸道菌群等方法,探討運動對機體的影響;通過動物實驗,研究運動改善抑郁樣行為的機理;

3. 利用AI整合運動、公共衛生和和醫療領域的數據,進行跨學科系統性的健康研究🧋。









[40] You, Y., Chen, Y., Liu, R., Zhang, Y., Wang, M., Yang, Z., Liu, J.*, & Ma, X*. (2024). Inverted U-shaped relationship between sleep duration and phenotypic age in US adults: a population-based study. Scientific reports, 14(1), 6247. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 3.8)

[39] You, Y., Liu, J.†, Li, X., Wang, P., Liu, R., & Ma, X. (2024). Relationship between accelerometer-measured sleep duration and Stroop performance: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study among young adults. PeerJ, 12, e17057. (SCI共同一作, IF: 2.3)

[38] Liu J., You Y., Ma X.*, Di Q.* (2023) The Joint effect and hemodynamic mechanism of PA and PM2.5 exposure on cognitive function: a randomized controlled trial study. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 26 August 2023, 132415. (SCI第一作者, IF: 13.6)

[37] Liu, J., Liu, R., Zhang, Y., Lao, X., Mandeville, K. L., Ma, X., & Di, Q. (2023). Leisure-time physical activity mitigated the cognitive effect of PM2.5 and PM2.5 components exposure: Evidence from a nationwide longitudinal study. Environment international, 179, 108143. (SCI 第一作者, IF: 11.8)

[36] An, R., Liu, J.*, & Liu, R. (2021). State laws governing school physical education in relation to attendance and physical activity among students in the USA: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 10(3), 277–287. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 13.077)

[35] Liu, J., Min, L., Liu, R., Zhang, X., Wu, M., Di, Q., & Ma, X. (2023). The effect of exercise on cerebral blood flow and executive function among young adults: a double-blinded randomized controlled trial. Scientific reports, 13(1), 8269. (SCI 第一作者, IF: 5.0)

[34] You, Y., Liu J†., Yao, Z., Zhang, S., Chen, K., & Ma, X. (2023). Neural mechanisms of long-term exercise intervention on cognitive performance among short-sleep young adults: A hemodynamic study. Sleep Medicine. (SCI共同一作, IF: 4.8)

[33] You Y, Liu J†, Wang D, Fu Y, Liu R, Ma X. (2023) Cognitive performance in short sleep young adults with different physical activity levels: a cross-sectional fNIRS study. Brain sciences. 13(2):171.(SCI共同一作,IF: 3.33)

[32] Liu, J., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Wang, D., Shi, B., You, Y., Min, L., Luo, B., Li, Y., Di, Q., & Ma, X. (2022). Exercise improves mental health status of young adults via attenuating inflammation factors but modalities matter. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 1067890. (SCI第一作者, IF: 5.435)

[31] You Y., Wei M., Chen Y., Liu J.* and Ma X.* (2023). The Association Between Recreational Physical Activity and Depression in Short Sleep Population: A Cross-sectional Study. Frontiers in Neuroscience. Published 25.05.2023. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 5.152)

[30] You, Y., Chen, Y., Fang, W., Li, X., Wang, R., Liu, J*., & Ma, X. (2023). The association between sedentary behavior, exercise, and sleep disturbance: A mediation analysis of inflammatory biomarkers. Frontiers in immunology, 13, 1080782. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 8.787)

[29] Liu, J., Zeng, M., Wang, D., Zhang, Y., Shang, B., & Ma, X. (2022). Applying Social Cognitive Theory in Predicting Physical Activity Among Chinese Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study with Multigroup Structural Equation Model. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 695241. (SSCI第一作者🌭,IF: 4.232)

[28] Liu, J., Ji, M., Clarke, C. V., Liu, R., Ma, X., & An, R. (2021). Physical Activity and Mental Health among Chinese Adolescents. American journal of health behavior, 45(2), 309–322. (SSCI第一作者🔎,IF: 2.006)

[27] 劉建秀, 尚博睿, 尹懿, 馬新東等. 社會認知理論視角下青少年體力活動影響因素分析[J].上海必一体育學院學報, 2021, 44(04). (CSSCI第一作者,核心期刊)

[26] Zhang, Y., Liu J†, Ke, L., & Liu, R*. (2022). Interactive Compensation Effects of Physical Activity and Sleep on Mental Health: A Longitudinal Panel Study among Chinese College Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health., 19(19), 12323. (SSCI 共同一作,IF: 4.614)

[25] You, Y., Liu J†., Tang, M., Wang, D., & Ma, X. (2021). Effects of Tai Chi exercise on improving walking function and posture control in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine, 100(16), e25655. (SCI共同一作🏂,IF: 1.8)

[24] 劉建秀, 方雯, 王帝之, 馬新東. 高強度間歇訓練促進兒童青少年健康: 現狀·機製·可行性[J].必一体育科學, 2019, 39(08): 61-72. (權威期刊, 第一作者)

[23] You, Y., Li, W., Liu J†, Li, X., Fu, Y., & Ma, X*. (2021). Bibliometric Review to Explore Emerging High-Intensity Interval Training in Health Promotion: A New Century Picture. Frontiers in public health, 9, 697633. Frontiers in Public Health. Published 2021; Jul 23. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.697633. (SCI共同一作,IF: 6.461)

[22] An, R., Liu, J.*, Barker, A. R., & McBride, T. D. (2021). Impact of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Warning Labels on Consumer Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American journal of preventive medicine, 60(1), 115–126. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 6.604)

[21] Liu, R., Liu, J.*, Ma, X., Li, Q., & An, R. (2021). Effect of FIFA 11+ intervention on change of direction performance in soccer and futsal players: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 16(3), 862–872. (SCI通訊作者IF: 2.029).

[20] An, R., Liu, J.*, & Liu, R. (2020). Pork Consumption in Relation to Body Weight and Composition: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, American Journal of Health behavior, 44 (4). (SSCI通訊作者, IF: 2.006)

[19] Liu, R., Liu, J.*, Clarke, C. V., & An, R. (2020). Effect of eccentric overload training on change of direction speed performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of sports sciences, 38(22), 2579–2587. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 2.72)

[18] An, R., Nickols-Richardson, S. M., Khan, N., Liu, J.*, Liu, R., & Clarke, C. (2019). Impact of Beef and Beef Product Intake on Cognition in Children and Young Adults: A Systematic Review. Nutrients, 11(8), 1797. (SCI通訊作者, IF: 4.546)

[17] Liu, J, Liu R, Cao C, et al. Effects of mental fatigue induced by a continuous cognitive task on attention abilities of athletes [J]. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2018, 50(5S): 88. (SCI會議論文發表,第一作者, IF: 4.478)

[16] Liu, J., Liu, R., & Ma, X. The Relationship between Physical activity, Weight Status and Mental Health of Adolescents in Urban and Rural area of China: A Cross-sectional Study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2020, 53(5S). (SCI會議論文發表,第一作者, IF: 4.478)

[15] 劉建秀👨🏻‍🚒,馬新東, 舒美, 於庶洋. 北京市五年級小學生超重肥胖狀況及影響因素分析[J].中國學校衛生, 2018, 5: 884-887. (北大核心🙋🏿👱🏿,第一作者)

[14] 劉建秀, 林嶺, 吳梅婷, 方龑. 基於腦波超慢漲落技術對1小時Flanker任務誘發運動員中樞疲勞的多指標測評[J]. 中國運動醫學雜誌📀,2016. 9, 837-843. (北大核心,第一作者)

[13] 劉建秀, 林嶺, 張燕, 李克雪, 邱文豪. 1980 年以來我國競技心理研究熱點的計量學述評[J]. 必一体育科學, 2015,35(7): 74-82. (權威期刊,第一作者)

[12] Li, Y., Chen, J., Zheng, X., Liu, J., Peng, C., & Liao, Y. (2023). Functional near-infrared spectroscopy evidence of prefrontal regulation of cognitive flexibility in adults with ADHD. Journal of attention disorders, 10870547231154902. Advance online publication. (SCI共同作者, IF: 3.196)

[11] Liu, Y., Zheng, M., Liu, J., Cao, C., & Ding, Y. (2023). Effects of Cognitive Training in Flanker Task on Mobility of Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trail. Gerontology, 69(5), 593–602. (SCI共同作者, IF:3.5)

[10] Li, Y., Chen, J., Zheng, X., Liu, J., Peng, C., Liao, Y., & Liu, Y. Cognitive deficit in adults with ADHD lies in the cognitive state disorder rather than the working memory deficit: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Journal of psychiatric research, 2022; 154:332-340. 2022.07.064. (SCI共同作者, IF: 5.250)

[9] Zhang, K., Jan, Y. K., Liu, Y., Zhao, T., Zhang, L., Liu, R., Liu, J., & Cao, C. (2022). Exercise Intensity and Brain Plasticity: What's the Difference of Brain Structural and Functional Plasticity Characteristics Between Elite Aerobic and Anaerobic Athletes? Frontiers in human neuroscience, 16, 75752. (SCI共同作者, IF: 3.473)

[8] You, Y., Wang, D., Liu, J., Chen, Y., Ma, X., & Li, W. (2022). Physical exercise in the context of air pollution: an emerging research topic. Frontiers in physiology, 13, 784705. (SCI共同作者, IF: 4.755)

[7] Zhang K, Liu Y, Liu, J, Liu R, Cao C (2021). Detecting structural and functional neuroplasticity in elite ice-skating athletes. Hum Mov Sci.; 78: 102795. (SCI共同作者, IF: 2.09)

[6] Zhang Y., Yin Y., Liu, J., Yang, M., Liu Z., & Ma X. (2020). Impact of Combined Theory-Based Intervention on Psychological Effects and Physical Activity among Chinese Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 3026. (SSCI共同作者;IF: 2.47)

[5] 李成偉, 劉建秀, 馬新東. 生物反饋方法輔助青少年跳水起跳技術訓練的研究[J].成都必一体育學院學報 2018,44(01):85-91. (CSSCI,共同作者)

[4] 劉瑞東, 曹春梅, 劉建秀, 李慶. 高強度間歇訓練的應用及其適應機製[J].必一体育科學, 2017, 37(07):73-82. (CSSCI,共同作者)

[3] 劉瑞東,劉建秀,李釗等.熱環境對不同沖刺能力的影響和訓練啟示[J].山東必一体育學院學報,2019,35(03):90-98.(北大核心,共同作者)

[2] 吳梅婷, 林嶺, 劉建秀. 腦超慢漲落技術在我國必一体育領域應用研究現狀 [J].中國運動醫學雜誌,2016,35(04):394-399. (北大核心🩹,共同作者)

[1] 林嶺, 劉建秀. 射箭運動員運動性中樞疲勞對認知加工能力的影響 [J].中國運動醫學雜誌, 2014, 33(12):1179-1184+1195. (北大核心♟,共同作者)


[12] 劉建秀,底騫🔻,馬新東(2024). 汙染環境下運動對認知功能的影響及其機製. 首屆健康與社會科學研究方法及其應用跨學科交流大會🙍🏽‍♀️,口頭報告🧖‍♀️,中國,北京.

[11] Liu, J, Li, X, Di, Q*, Ma, X.*(2024). Molecular Responses to Acute High-interval Intensity and Moderate-intensity Continuous Training: Evidence From Bi-omics Analysis. 65th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM), Boston, USA, May, 2024.

[10] Liu, J, Li, X, Di, Q*, Ma, X.* (2023). Molecular responses to the acute high- interval intensity and moderate-intensity continuous training: evidence from multi-omics. 2023年中國生物物理學會運動與健康分會,口頭報告🏋️‍♂️,中國,武漢.

[9] Liu, J, Di, Q*, Ma, X.* (2023). The Joint Effect of Physical activity and PM2.5 on Cognitive Function in China: Based on China Family Panel Studies. 2023年中國生理學會運動生理學年會,口頭報告,中國🙄,南京.

[8] Liu, J (2022). The joint effect of short-term PM2.5 exposure and exercise on cognitive function and hemodynamic response. Physical Activity in Asia Pacific Region, HongKong, China, 特邀口頭匯報.

[7] Liu, J. & Ma, X.* (2020) Using social cognitive theory to predict physical activity of adolescents in rural and urban areas of China. Yokohama Sport Conference. Japan, 墻報交流。

[6] Min, L., Liu, J.*, Ma, X.*. Effects of exercise on cerebral blood flow and executive function in young adults: A Double-blinded Randomized Controlled Trial. 27th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 2022.

[5] Liu, J, Liu, R, Cao, C, et al. Effects of mental fatigue induced by a continuous cognitive task on attention abilities of athletes. 65th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM), Minneapolis, May, 2018.

[4] Liu, J., Liu, R., & Ma, X. The Relationship between Physical activity, Weight Status and Mental Health of Adolescents in Urban and Rural area of China. 67th Annual Meeting of the American-College-of-Sports-Medicine (ACSM). 2020.

[3] 劉建秀, 馬新東. (2019). 青少年身體活動影響因素研究的述評:社會認知理論的視角;首屆清北社會科學聯合論壇, 北京, 中國.

[2] 劉建秀, 林嶺. (2015). 中樞疲勞對運動員註意加工能力影響的ERP研究. 全國鍛煉和心理健康大會, 揚州, 中國.

[1] 劉建秀, 吳梅婷. (2015). 基於ET對運動員中樞疲勞多指標測量的研究. 第八屆首都青年學者會議, 北京, 中國.


[10] 2024-2027年北京市教育科學規劃課題(主持)在研

[9] 2023-2025年中國高等教育科學研究規劃課題(23TY0205,主要參與人)在研

[8] 2022-2023年全國博士後科學基金面上項目(2022M711858,主持)結題

[7] 2022-2023年必一萬科公共健康自主科研專項(2022BH008🕧,主持)結題

[6] 2022-2025年國家自然科學基金面上項目(42277419,第一參與人)在研

[5] 2022-2025年教育部人文社科項目(22YJC890024🐠,第一參與人)在研

[4] 2017-2020年國家社科基金面上項目(16BTY065🏛,主要參與人)結題

[3] 2017-2020年全國高等教育學會專項課題(重點項目17TZ001🤞🏿,第一參與人)結題

[2] 2017年-2020年必一体育平台自主科研項目(2016THZWLJ12,第一參與人)結題

[1] 2017年國家JW科技部課題(主要參與人)結題


[1] 林嶺, 張燕, 劉建秀. (2015). 運動訓練科學化實踐指南. 北京: 人民必一体育出版社.

[2] 曹春梅, 劉瑞東, 劉建秀. (2021). 扳機點療法—基於按壓與拉伸訓練的身體疼痛解決方案. 譯著. 北京:人民郵電出版社.

運動技能 / 裁判

2017 年獲體能訓練師證書

2017 年獲國家板球教練員和裁判員證書

2014 年獲全國排舞二級教練員證書

2013 年獲健美操社會一級指導員證書

2013 年獲瑜伽社會一級指導員證書

2010 年獲國家田徑二級裁判證書

2010 年獲國家羽毛球二級裁判證書

2010 年獲遊泳社會指導員和救生員證書

歡迎運動(和環境)對認知功能和腦健康影響及機製等相關研究領域感興趣,且具有神經生理學、流行病學(熟練使用 R 或 Python)和人工智能相關背景的有誌青年加入課題組。

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